
Our customizable template system is designed to help you streamline your planning process, ensuring you never have to start from scratch. Whether you’re planning your day, week, month, or even the entire year, templates allow you to create a structured plan once and reuse it whenever you need. Whichever planner period you are working with, the relevant template is saved under that period.

Screenshot of a planner page with widgets being saved as a template, showing the option to name and store the template for future use.

What are template?

Templates in our app are pre-designed pages that you can create and save for future use. They allow you to design your ideal layout with the widgets of your choice and then apply that same layout repeatedly.

How to create and use template?

Creating and using templates is simple:

  1. Design your page: Start by selecting and arranging the widgets you need on your page. Customize the layout to suit your preferences.

  2. Save as template: Once you’re satisfied with your layout, save it as a template. Give your template a name that reflects its purpose, like ‘Daily routine’ or ‘Weekly goals.’

  3. Set as default template: When you’re ready to plan for a new day, week, or month, simply select set as default template. Your planner page will be automatically populated with the same widgets and layout, ready for you to update with new content.

  4. Apply the template: Apply the template directly to your current page to start planning immediately. This is perfect for on-the-fly organization without the need to set up a new page.

Screenshot displaying a list of saved templates with a menu open, showing options to apply, edit, duplicate, or delete a selected template.